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Welcome to the
Speciality Cinema

Enjoy a perfect afternoon or evening out with friends and our top movie selection.

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What’s Playing …

Welcome to the Speciality Cinema

The Speciality Cinema is your alternative to the megaplex movie-going experience.
We are by choice the small guy in town, providing a more intimate and personal setting in which to enjoy a perfect afternoon or evening out with friends.

Monday to Thursday – 11 am to 9 pm
Friday to Saturday – 11 am to 10 pm
Sunday & Holidays – 1 pm to 8 pm

The Speciality Cinema is located in the heart of Hamilton, on 12 Church Street.

About the Cinema

Next Attractions

View our list of upcoming movies.

Gift Certificates / Vouchers

Treat your family, friends, employee etc. to something they’re sure to applaud!


The Speciality Cinema Gift Voucher is a gift or reward that everyone will enjoy….
( also works for purchases at the Speciality Grill)

Movie Tickets

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